Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Dengue Week

In case you are wondering what happened to me last few weeks ago, well, I had dengue fever. I was hospitalized for three consecutive days starting Monday of the Holy Week. I was discharged with high fever as the only diagnosis. Rashes appeared a day after I was discharged. I had a check up and it was a dengue fever. They monitored my platelets for the following days until I got well.

Two days before the board, I was still feeling dizzy. My head always spun and all I wanted to do was lie on my back and sleep. I took the board with full confidence but a bit weak. I saw four of my classmates and took the lunch with them. It was my first time to be in the University of the East - Manila. I noticed that their comfort rooms were large enough to accommodate a whole class of twenty to thirty persons.

After the board, I busied myself with all the things I wanted to do. I took a lot of sleep; ate dishes that I want; played games that I downloaded; watched movies that I bought; etc. These helped me regain my strength and fully recover from that body-weakening dengue fever.

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