Friday, August 07, 2009

Jamby Madrigal Defiles Cory Aquino Memorial Service

This is just a repost. I've seen a friend repost this too in Facebook.

Maybe Jamby do not know about this. Most likely she will deny of this issue and say that supporters / enemies of hers were responsible for this. Common alibi.

Tell me what you think. Here's part of the article:

My good friend sent me an e-mail with a blog post from a Facebook user named Happy Feraren. While she was waiting for President Cory Aquino’s cortege, she and her Mom decided to buy a yellow umbrella. They were then given a yellow beaded bracelet afterwards for free. However, when they looked closer at the bracelet, it had the picture of Senator Jamby Madrigal, who recently declared her intention to run for the Presidency in 2010. Senator Madrigal, with all due respect, I think you’ve crossed the line with your politicking. Giving away campaign materials during the memorial service of former President Aquino is just foul and disrespectful.

Read the full article:

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