Friday, August 22, 2008

Message - Lost

How could the following incident happen? Read thoroughly.

I replied to your text. I sent it directly to your number. You received it the way I typed it. The thing was, you received it from another mobile number but of the same network. You asked me and I assured you I do not know the number. That was the truth. You dialed the strange number then I received your call instead. We were both puzzled.

How did this happen?

How come you received my message from another mobile number while I sent it directly to you?

Where did that strange number come from?

Why, by the time you called the unknown number, did I receive your call instead?

Is this a case of line cloning whatsoever? Then why is the cloned number different?

What could be the possible explanation to this given that we both don't know the strange number?

Is this a glitch in the present wireless communications technology?

How safe is wireless communication if it could be cloned, hacked, or duplicated?

Is it possible that my message got lost, received by another number, then the system forwarded the message to you using the first unknown unintentional recipient's number?

Help me decipher this. Help me understand. Help me solve this mystery (if this is indeed a mystery). Help me formulate theories and come up with a concrete and logical conclusion.

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