Sunday, April 26, 2009

Knowing (2009)

*Spoiler Alert*

I just saw the movie. Yes, it will hold your attention to the end. You will have to wait to know the ending. And I have a question...

At the height of the story, when Caleb started writing numbers the way Lucinda did, what were the numbers for? Dates and coordinates of a disaster too? If yes, what would be the purpose of those numbers when the end of the world had already been predicted by Lucinda's numbers? There can't be another accident / disaster after the end of the world, it just sound pointless.

There are other things as well like the several space ships that launched from earth. They contained what? Other kids perhaps? Or animals like rabbits or moose? But didn't Caleb said that they were the chosen ones? So there can't be other kids, right? Or probably not... That would be best left to the viewers imagination.

And why... why is it that when something GRAND will happen, extra terrestrials are almost always involved, especially during the destruction of the earth? Or were they angels in different forms?

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Friday, April 17, 2009


*** just for fun (contains a bit of truth nevertheless) ***

is a word that never gets old but when used to label more than one picture taken on different times creates confusion

this word inflicts confusion the way the word NEW does

this is a never ending word, a favorite of those who do not want to lend money/items

lasts for only a fraction of a minute called second, will never take longer than that but can be divided into smaller fraction

a word that can identify almost all people, sometimes selfish for it can also mean more than one person

a word that is common to all who are using English language, also an identifier

A WHILE AGO (aka KANINA in Filipino)
a phrase / word that is never clear as to how much time has passed since the event in question took place, needs a specific identifier called TIME

a word that varies from person to person, place to place, and even overlaps itself on certain situations which sometimes leads to the hiring of a profession called LAWYERS

a word that identifies a person who... i won't continue, i might get sued

is a continuous numbering of days which starts on a day called BIRTH and ends on the one called DEATH

it exists even before it has been given a name, also known as a battleground between science and religion

i gained 3 lbs in a year; had my haircut / hairdye / highlights last Holy Wednesday; got sun burned last Good Friday; had gained another godson two and a half weeks ago; paid for a chest xray for my check-up; started to read a book i bought one year and three months ago; and a lot more... however, the word ME varies from person to person and also works as an identifier... hehehe...

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Philippines License.

Monday, April 13, 2009


i thought i was someone special
i believed i was the only one
until my worlds began to collide
i snapped but never died

creeping through the shadows
i explored the outer minds
i sought to touch my limits
there was nothing to find

a bit of flashes, a bit of acts
i raised my finger for a clap
my story began from an ending
the finale was never seen

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Philippines License.