Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hayden Kho's Side

To my readers: You are free to republish this only as a whole. Maybe this article will reach and help Hayden in some way. Just don't alter nor delete a word. Thank you.

If you would notice, Hayden is not enjoying this controversy as well. He, too, is a victim of this fiasco for he is also in the sex video, which circulated unintentionally and specifically not distributed by him.

If I make a video of the same nature and I intend to keep it only to myself, is that a scandal? Violence? Human trafficking? Abuse of the other person involved? Definitely not since I never really planned to take the video out. If Hayden intend to destroy the other person's reputation, he wouldn't have shown his face in the video to avoid recognition.

Yeah, how about betrayal of trust? Did he really betrayed the other person's trust? Absolutely not. A quote that circulated in cellular phones goes this way: "Perfect description of trust: Trusting a person is giving someone the ability to destroy you completely but at the same time being confident that he/she won't." Hayden could have distributed the video/s but he did not. He couldn't have willed those videos out for it would also mean his disgrace (like what's happening now).

How about ethical issues? Medical ethics? Professional ethics? Well, Hayden critics, didn't it occur to you that they didn't have sex as a doctor-and-patient but as two individuals enjoying carnal pleasure? Profession is not the totality of a person, it only eats a percent of the whole. It's absurd to blame and connect Hayden's committed mistakes to his profession especially if he did it not as a doctor but as an individual who have other aspects than just being a doctor.

If I am having an intimate private moment with someone, and somebody is intentionally watching us or even unintentionally sees us by one way or another, is it my fault that we are seen? If by any reason you answered yes, is it an absolute fault? Such activity would never be a scandal if prying eyes are not involved. It is never a scandal unless somebody else steps into the scene to act as an audience, willingly or not, prying or not prying, intentionally or unintentionally.

For Hayden's purpose in taking a video, it will never ever be solidified. Everything that everybody else would say as to his purpose for his act would be called a speculation, nothing else. It's intangible. One might have luckily hit Hayden's true purpose but Hayden's single denial to that would be enough to trash the idea since 'purpose' in this case is and will remain conjectural (especially that Hayden is not the one who distributed the video/s).

As for being responsible in keeping the video/s safe, maybe he got incautious. Obviously now, in one way or another, it was stolen and distributed. And why would you question and imprison someone who has been robbed? Like what I've said earlier, Hayden, too, is a victim.

If I have constructed a gun without intending to use it against anyone (especially not to commit a crime) and kept it just for the sake of fulfillment that I have created it, then somebody stole it from me and used it to kill another, will I be held liable? I really don't know the answer but one thing for sure, I will be involved in the investigation.

Hayden apologized. He did something too personal and was not proud of it particularly in front of the prying pre-judging self-righteous society. Am I in favor of Hayden's actions? No. Am I defending him? No. Or maybe I am. Or maybe I am just giving more light to the other side of the battle, tilting the favor to Hayden since this issue started somewhat in favor of the complainant.

Sideline issues: Illegal drugs (would there be a trace if they stopped using this two years ago?), lifestyle check (another attack to Hayden), 300K allowance (and so? it's the giver's money, we've no business on that), money from ex-girlfriend (and so? it's her money to use and give, nobody really have to question her), blackmail (what do you call a phone call asking money in exchange for something you want hidden?), PhP 4M (the value of blackmail), and the list goes on and on.

Note: Situational examples here of myself doing some acts are mere illustrations to explain a specific point. No other meaning.

To Katrina Halili: I could (and might) publish an article in favor of you but you already have plenty. If you feel abused and used, maybe you really deserve some justice. Be strong. You have supporters. I uphold your right to be treated with respect and dignity.

To Hayden Kho: Don't be suicidal. Be cautious whom to trust next time. I believe you'll still have supporters after this controversy. If they decide to revoke your license, just accept it, our society has already established rules they perceived to be true for everybody, besides, it's not the only thing you need to survive this world nor the only profession to look up to. If you feel alone in this battle, think twice, I just finished writing this article, didn't I?

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